12 definitions by Hanz Von Steiner

Two useless pot-smoking hippies from a movie as shitty as "Half-baked" and "The Big Lebowski"
All my friends hate goddamn pussy potheads like Harold and Kumar because they waste their hollow lives with absolutely nothing to show for all their empty days except electroencephalograms full of dark spots. Fuck!
by Hanz Von Steiner March 26, 2005
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vb. to suck dick, this term is sometimes used to edit movies when they appear on television
She puffed so much hog that her eardrums burst.
by Hanz Von Steiner March 10, 2005
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literally a brick, a blunt object used to give someone brain damage
also "tard maker"
or "tard stick" when describing a bat or pipe
I keep a tard machine under my seat just in case i catch a little road rage.
by Hanz Von Steiner March 19, 2005
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or to eat one's babies, vb.
To do well, to triumph over someone
to humiliate someone
How'd the debate go?
Oh, man! I ate their babies! They looked so sad.
by Hanz Von Steiner March 10, 2005
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1. an exclamation of surprise or dissapointment similar to "buttfuck" when "buttfuck" or "buttfucker" used as an interjection
2. a dumbfuck
Fucksteak! I lost my cell phone!
Wipe that shit off your upper lip, you goddamn ass-licking fucksteak!
by Hanz Von Steiner March 8, 2005
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Donny, just change your name to cockvac so people won't be surprised when they first meet you.
by Hanz Von Steiner March 10, 2005
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