11 definitions by Gwando

large ring of water surrounding a castle
OR the gigantic golden toilet of a very rich man.
"holy shit, you shoulda seen that rich guys moat!"
"he got a castle?!"
"no, stupid, the TOILET"
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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1- a small flying rodent, possibly a vampire
2- a wooden sports implement, can be used for violent /criminal prurposes.
3-a man over the age of 18 whose voice has not yet broken
"They call him the bat cos he spends all day in a dark room in front of his computer, and his voice is two octaves too high"
by Gwando November 11, 2003
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An activity performed in prison-
When a new prisoner enters jail, the other cons will instantly become aware that he is different- he is usually overweight, middle aged, balding and a social recluse. Because he is not the usual 'hard case' prisoner, the others will become aware that something is wrong. After a brief investigation, the prisoners will, correctly or incorrectly, assume he is a nonce (one who fiddles kids). This will rapidly lead to a 'nonce bashing' - an extremely violent form of vigilante justice, performed away from the guards, in some dark corner of the jail. This usually leads to death or serious brain damage.
Only performed on sex offenders, never on those who may have committed 'worse' crimes such as murder or regicide, because these are more 'manly' and commmon crimes. also a murderer is likely to put up more of a fight than a nonce.
CONVICT1- "what's up with thatPeter Phile bloke?"
CONVICT2- "He's a nonce."
by Gwando November 11, 2003
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correct spelling for a man who likes or fantasises of sex with young children. Much like a vampire, he lurks in the night. When a child is struck, that child will itself become a recluse and eventually a paedophile, passing it on to any they strike. The only known cure is a stake though the heart or castration. Must be separated form 'regular' prisoners while in jail for their crimes, otheriwse their life expectancy is about 2 days before they get nonce bashed.
Dude1: A peadophile on msn tried to get me to meet up with him in the park after dark!
Dude2: I got peadophiled once when i was 5. My dad says when i'm older ill turn into one
by Gwando November 9, 2003
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