47 definitions by Gregory V. Richardson

This refers to an action intended to accomodate problems with ADD (more properly known as ADHD, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).
The teacher made addaptations to how she taught the boy with ADHD so that he could learn better.
by Gregory V. Richardson July 19, 2004
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When a woman condescendingly treats a man as if she is his queen.
He finally left her when he felt she would always cleopatranize him and treat him as an inferior.
by Gregory V. Richardson May 15, 2006
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The state or quality of viewing things in a pandacious manner, that is, seeing things as being black and white like the colors of a panda.
With utter pandacity he decided she was entirely against him because she wouldn't agree with all of his views.
by Gregory V. Richardson November 30, 2003
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Seeing things in a black and white manner, like the colors of a panda.

Viewing life as extremes.

Unable to see a middle ground.
In his pandacious view, other people were either for him or against him.
by Gregory V. Richardson November 30, 2003
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This means of or related to the original way of Yeshua (the Aramaic name of Jesus of Nazareth in his mother tongue). Hence, this refers to the master and disciple relationship by which Yeshua taught in order to pass on to the disciples teachings aimed at developing higher states of consciousness exemplified by Yeshua's own development and example. A somewhat more derivative approach might be congregational but still aimed at development of similar love, compassion, and egolessness. That which is yeshic is contrasted with the many ramifications that characterize the modern splintering of Yeshua's message that can all too often revert to personality adoration, bland repetition, or overt ego inflation and control of others in the name of Yeshua. A yeshic style aims at developing the living Yeshua (Jesus Christ) within so that the practioner is transformed in consciousness and behavior.
The minister's yeshic teaching aimed his congregation toward deep love and service to others in the way of the master they sought to follow.
by Gregory V. Richardson February 20, 2005
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