47 definitions by Gregory V. Richardson

This word describes a person's state of very changable karma. The implication is that the person performs various good and bad actions and is, therefore, not conscious enough to direct actions in a good direction only.
Although he was often a thoughtful person, his occasional impulsive and hurtful actions implied a very karplastic lifestyle.
by Gregory V. Richardson March 24, 2004
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This means "with Dhamma", that is, consistant with Dhamma, a Pali word equivalent to the Sanskrit word Dharma. That which is condhammic or condharmic is wise, true, egoless, and encourages love and compassion in others.
The Buddhist monk's counsel to the people was condhammic as it sought to end greed, anger, and delusion among them while encouraging love and compassion to others.
by Gregory V. Richardson July 19, 2004
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This means unwilling to acknowledge that humans have various levels of consciousness development resulting in different degrees of skill in expressing life skills. Being alevic may imply a projection of equality upon others in the mistaken belief that determining quality of another's consciousness (hence, level of development) is unfair to that other person in and of itself. But understanding qualitative differences and levels can lead to a realization of just where a person can improve himself or herself if willing to do so. See the work of Ken Wilber for discussions of levels, lines of development, and states of consciousness.
Her alevic view tended to stall the development of her students as individual differences were seen as relative in her eyes. Difference was honored above development.
by Gregory V. Richardson July 19, 2004
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This is a person who either consciously or unconsciously constricts the spiritual development of others due to treating others and oneself as a mere pile of atoms (see poa). This is a double pun as both a play on the phrase "boa constrictor" and the more subtle pun that such a snake inhibits breathing of the victim. Breath is known in Greek as "pneuma" and is synonymous with "spirit".
She showed herself to be a poa constrictor when she never offered any positive assessment to the fledgling spiritual questions asked by her children.
by Gregory V. Richardson July 19, 2004
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A polite way of saying what is of or like that which is septic, that is to say: "shitty". Also, in Latin a septum is a wall, so something septicious walls one off from that which is pleasant.
Her father thinks that her septicious attitude stinks.
by Gregory V. Richardson October 5, 2003
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"Gnosis" means "knowledge", and "arsonist" means "someone who sets fire to property", so a gnosoarsonist attempts metaphorically to destroy knowledge perceived to be unacceptable. He seeks to suppress knowledge contrary to his own stand rather than winning others over by reason or truth.
He was a gnosoarsonist who thought that a "liberal" view favoring racial diversity should be destroyed. He didn't understand that such a view was "humanist" and affirming of understanding and acceptance in an expansive manner.
by Gregory V. Richardson July 8, 2006
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Of or related to a husband. A varient spelling to husbandal.
While on a business trip, he did not perform his husbantal rites.
by Gregory V. Richardson February 7, 2004
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