31 definitions by Gojai

A real term used in the heydays of Cocaine frenzy, 70s, 80s. Duff refers to that portion of your cocaine that consists of powder only, usually full of cut or anything else but real cocaine.
Shit, I won't buy from that dude again, this is all duff.
by Gojai August 30, 2017
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The areas of any city or municipality where drugs can be purchased on the street easily and notoriously.
Let's head out to Gram Town, I'm almost out of condiments.
by Gojai August 24, 2017
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A verb to denote steps taken prior to events seen as threatening or dangerous, to ensure safety. Whereas protect is a form of present-tense action, 'Pretect' denotes steps taken in advance of the need for protection. Perhaps a form of insurance, pretection guards against the possible adversarial forces in one's future, when actual protection is required.

No one can predict the future, so pretection is required.

Preparation gave Summer peace of mind, as she had pretected her assets.
I have done what was necessary to pretect my family while away on business, should they fall prey to unsavory forces. Against the possibility of future disasters, the petections are solid and secure.
by Gojai August 23, 2017
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