1 definition by Gimpy Loves Whimpy

The feeling that overpowers your mind, your soul, and your body. Your every breath is for them. You fall asleep thinking about them, you dream the whole night about them, and you wake up for them, just in hopes to see them that day. Your heart belongs to them, and beats at the same pace as theirs. Without them, you're lost, and with them, you feel complete bliss. When you see them, the butterflies are uncontrollable and your heart stops beating. They are the only thing you see, the only one you want, and once you kiss them, you're lost in a trance, your own world. You would rather be miserable without them then be with them while they're miserable. You sacrifice everything for them. You change the hurt they've cost you to hope. Hope that they will be better. It hurts to hold their hand because your heart is pounding through your chest. You can't fall asleep without hearing their voice everynight. You remember their every word spoken to you, and you can't ever forget their smile. Everything you do revolves around them, for they complete you. They are your other half. They are your Forever. Your Always. Letting them go will never be an option, Never giving up is your only option.
Baby, no words can explain my feelings for you, i more than Love you, Forever and Always.
by Gimpy Loves Whimpy April 28, 2009
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