1 definition by George Oscar Bluthe

there isn't much difference between hipsters and indie kids. their favorite color is probably either yellow or red. they like triangles, owls, and they all smoke. hipsters MUST know what omegle and 4chan are, lolcats and insanewolfs are a must, too. every hipster needs a camera. they'll take pictures, put them in black and white, and they're automatically photographers. they spend most of their time complaining on tumblr, and making fun of hipsters for being hipsters. they constantly bicker about twilight and harry potter, often favoring harry potter. yeah sure, hp and twilight have nothing in common, but who cares? hipsters don't.
person a: what's that lyric from?
person b: oh, just some obscure band you've most likely never heard of.

person a: LOLOLOL look at that hipster.
person b: lulz, i know.

person a: i have so many followers on tumblr, but they all delete my cred!
by George Oscar Bluthe July 2, 2010
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