18 definitions by Fucktarded Scarecrow

really big floaties in some sort of beverage.
I shall now share a story....
One day in french class we had a french breakfast
.As I sat in french class with my friend bridgette the teacher was serving hot chocolate and croissants, she told us that in france people usually dip croissants into hot cocoa.Me and bridgette tried it the result was quite disturbing.After finishing the croissants the cup was full of big chunks of croissant....Big big soggy chunks of croissant so bridgette said...."ewwwww.....mega floaties"...and mega floaties was born...

Can also result from eating pizza with friends and sharing a big bottle of soft drink.
~mega floaties
by Fucktarded Scarecrow April 1, 2010
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Java Jive is a wonderful place that sells coffee and other beverages, usually turns a huge profit because people are willing to pay $7 for an esspresso shot

Java Jive is, in a way, like starbucks.

The Java Jive song is as follows....
I love coffee, I love hot chocolate, I love tea too.
We all love the Java Jive and the Java Jive loves you
by Fucktarded Scarecrow August 1, 2009
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When you fart and a little bit or a whole lot of shit comes out.Can also have some quite humourous results..I will now tell you a story....

Once upon a time me, my cousin and his GF were having Macdonalds.My cousin told me (In hushed whispers) that he needed to fart really bad but didn't want his GF to hear.I told him to try and make it an SBD.Colin (my cousin) made a SBD but at a horrible cost....By the time we left the establishment it was on the floor.......I had to go back and clean it up....It was horrific.......................
The moral of the story is....If this happens to you RUN!!! don't go back and clean it up...............

Here are my helpful (Maybe) catergories.

Cat1:Slight wet sensation...You got off easy...

Cat2:Spreads all over inside of boxers/briefs. If your going commando this could be a problem.

Cat3:Soaks through boxers/briefs and wets inside of pants
.If your going commando this is catergory 4.

Cat4:Has soaked through to the outside of pants and has now left a big brown/green mark on back of them.

Cat5:Runs down leg (Really bad if your wearing socks or god forbid...a skirt! 0.0 ....) ......

Cat6: An explosion (Example of it found in story).
Shart (have to say in example)
by Fucktarded Scarecrow September 15, 2009
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There are many definitions...O.O...here are some....

1.A scarecrow that has had the shit picked out of it from birds

2.A retard that puts on way to much make-up (also see:Paris Hilton)

3.A sex move that is much to vivid to describe in detail....
1. Fucktarded scarecrow (must say)

2.Yhoo get the point

3.This happened to me...It's horrible....if you figure out what it is, how to do it and do it to someone...Your going to hell ay bro.
by Fucktarded Scarecrow September 26, 2009
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