22 definitions by Flo

A meeting in the middle of the day in which a group of people join up to have sex, an orgy.
yo, what up with that daytime? whos gonna go?
by Flo August 7, 2004
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A vulgar looking and usually bad-mouthed woman or teenage girl. Found usually in Malls trying on dresses she can't afford and chasing losers to get knocked-up.
La fille de George Bush est une petasse.
by Flo January 29, 2004
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The little cute orange hamster
by Flo March 10, 2003
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A sick day that you take when you just don't feel like going to work or had too much to drink the night before.
"Dude, I was so hungover this morning, I pulled a sickie"
by Flo January 28, 2004
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Genetic condition caused by a triple chromosome also known as chromosome 21. People with this condition are blessed with the gift of eternal innocence. They are usually harmless and friendly and incapable of violence. We like to think they need help but maybe it's really us who do.
"George Bush is a perfectly sain individual, no history of downsyndrom there, he can wage war all he wants"
by Flo January 29, 2004
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The male equivalent of the word "mistress".

In old English, men were commonly referred to by women as their masters. Mastress combines this title and the derogative one given to women to form its male version.
Ryan and I are going to tell Anthony about Tina's mastress because she is a cheating whore.
by Flo February 3, 2005
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To go out and make a mess, spend a lot, get smashed, twisted, stoned, fight, party till morning, etc.
"Yo make sure you reach the club tonight, we're gonna roll hard tonight mofo!
by Flo March 9, 2005
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