40 definitions by Firelovesugar

TDAH (shortened form of the words "the drug associative hypothesis" - Basically the knowledge and awareness that certain types of media can influence what substances we take- hence example...
Mother 1: Hey, chris is listening to Pink Floyd, so be prepared- he might take LSD sometime in the future...

Mother 2: Hey, Sarah is dancing to rave music, so be prepared- she might take Ecstasy sometime in the future...

Father 1: Hey, Danny is watching The Simpsons, so be prepared- he might take alcohol sometime in the future... oh wait, thats not bad :)

TDAH (the drug associative hypothesis)

Note- This is not necessarily accurate, however the term relates to the lifestyles and media influences associated with the drug in question, and is an easy way of identifying what drug might be craved and taken under the influence of what lifestyle the given person has chosen :P
by Firelovesugar January 12, 2009
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When you're slightly tipsy/buzzed, and you simply refuse to do anything involving physical movement because you just can't be bothered.
Sarah: Hey, you gonna dance?
Joe: Hell no, I'm slummed... you do it...
by Firelovesugar January 11, 2009
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A word to describe any of the following:
1. A seemingly ordinary event which has a surreal or hallucinogenic twist...
2. That wierd feeling you get when you feel something is out of place/sync, yet others are oblivious to your
3. Any defining moment in a psychedelic experience which has a personal importance or relevance.
The following examples are not necessarily accurate, but are merely a guideline to emphasise the definition :)
1 - acid moment: a neon green tandem bike with pink fluffy pedals riding through the most unpleasant part of town...
2 - acid moment: Deja Vu or any related mindset that relates to the definition...
3 - acid moment: when you realise the universe is not the actual structure around you but the complex synergy of emotions, experiences and choices that define your very existence.
by Firelovesugar April 20, 2009
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The phenomenon or condition where a student will hone in on conversations to which students discuss without the knowledge of who is listening (because of "satellite ears"), until the person in question finds a point of interest in the conversation, and involuntarily joins in- suddenly making themselves vulnerable to the fact they were listening intently to the conversation without the students knowledge, approval, or comprehension...
(After listening to an entire conversation about Heroes)

Dude 1: Hey did you see Heroes last night?
Satellite ears: Omg yeah I did! I never knew Sylar had a sensitive side...
Dude 2: Whoa quick response man, considering we weren't even talking to you
Satellite ears: Er yeah haha (shifty eyes)
Dude 1: That guy must have satellite ears...
Dude 2: Defo
by Firelovesugar February 26, 2009
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According to Christianity, Satan was originally an angel who rebelled against God (power to the people!) and also influenced Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge- which implies that had they of not eaten it, then we might not have possessed the knowledge to question authority. Ultimately, Satan was thrown into the lake of fire with his other followers- which also implies that Satan is a victim too in all of this, and considering he braved god's wrath to question the lord's divine authority- it says a lot about how Satan should be perceived, and that Satan might have had decent intentions after all. Of course, this is all subject to whether you have religious ideals- in which case, you might want to consider which being you're supporting :P
Satan's ultimate goal is to lead people away from the love of God, and to lead them into fallacies which God opposes- or if you look at it another way, fallacies which mean God no longer has control over you- some of these fallacies are listed below:

Premarital sex: A normal desire for human beings, and it should not be perceived as a sinful. Everyone has the right to love their body and the body of others, providing they realise what sex entails and that they are aware of any implications that follow the activities they are parcitipating in.

Drugs: As we know, some drugs are very dangerous for the body and mind- but naturally occuring drugs such as weed and hallucinogens can lead to experiencing alternative perceptions of reality, and providing necessary precautions are taken, this can lead to positive realisations about yourself and the world you live in. And may also result in a more independent mindset- which would be bad for God, understandably...

Rock Music: Opposed by hardcore Christians, Rock music is actually celebratory of everything that makes us human- and is known for championing complex ideas (seen in art rock, etcetera) and anti- authority ideals. Again, bad for God...

In all, there are lots of things perceived as sinful by Christianity- most of these are merely aspects which contribute to our independence and rights as a human being.
by Firelovesugar October 27, 2010
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The ultimate archetype of everything that's wrong with the music industry. Country boy turned wannabe gangster. Succubus to legions of parasitic humanoids who feed off popularity, i.e tweens. Worshipped by armies of fans who wouldnt know a decent tune if it came up to them and slapped their face repeatedly with a wet fish. Also has a legion of haters who seem to realise this also. Doesn't know what Germany is. Has a weird crush on sex crazed Rihanna, exhibiting typical stalker behaviour. Is one of a growing number of music figures whose real talent is overshadowed by their ability to sell an image of 'the next big thing' (if any). A corporate tool for music companies who should get the hint and realise their marketable teenybopper trash is killing off what is left of decent music.
Dont you just want to punch Justin Bieber in the face when he states 'who wants to make out with me right now?' during his Never say Never video? I know I do...
by Firelovesugar April 9, 2011
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Refers to Apple, and its use of capital letters on a word's secondary letter. Usually applied to words beginning with "i" in order to market apple products. Examples of this includes iTunes, iPod, iMac, etcetera. Can also be used in written texts for humurous effect, see example below.
examples of applecaps:
"iHate you bitch"
"iAte your lunch"
"iSpent your money"
"iLove you"
"iHope this is a good definition ;)"
by Firelovesugar February 17, 2009
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