11 definitions by Elias Creed

Like super-sizing a combo meal order, only instead of a bigger drink and more fries, you get thousands more Oxycontin than any rational doctor ever intended.
With a scanner, photoshop, and enough balls, you can limbaugh-size that single Vicodin prescription into one full year's supply.
by Elias Creed October 3, 2007
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Any mixture of beer and hard liquor. Includes otherwise individually named drinks like Irish Car Bomb.
Dumbass drunken Tim mixed some nasty beercohol out of the last of the tequilla and some corona. That shit got me fucked up... and then I puked.
by Elias Creed April 27, 2007
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A hypocritical republican who is pro-war despite lack of WMDs or eminent threat, and regardless of the fact that they claim to believe foreign intervention is wrong and the US should not be world police.
Joe used to support ethical standards for politicians, limited government, and fiscal responsibility; but ever since Bush got re-elected, he's become just another lockstep warpublican.
by Elias Creed April 26, 2007
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La Cosa Nostra: A mythological organized crime syndicate invented by racist protestant feds to demonize Catholics and Italian Americans. Also used generically to refer to any race or nationality based organized crime syndicate.
Tommy's in the mafia you say? Listen here...There is no such thing as the mafia, but there is such as thing as accidentally falling down your stairs and landing back-of-the-head first on an errantly placed icepick... capice?

Vic and the strike team stole money from the Armenian mafia.
by Elias Creed April 26, 2007
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The opposite of kobe: A single man who engages in consensual vaginal sex with willing women of legal age.
Joe totally drove that skanky half naked drunk chick home last night without trying anything. I heard he even got her number and plans on taking her out tomorrow night. What an ebok.

by Elias Creed April 26, 2007
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Douchebags who also happen to be dirtier than an Amsterdam hooker getting off a 12 hour shift during the World Cup.
Look at that fucking dutchbag... not only is he drinking a wine cooler and sporting pink Izod with a popped collar while talking WAY too loud on a blue tooth headset, he also has a nasty looking sore on his lip.
by Elias Creed April 27, 2007
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1.) Generally used to ask for another beer.

2.) Can be substituted for the term "give me" (if you're a total dutchbag) ala The Office
"Mike, you're closest to the fridge, fucking beer me bro."

"Hey Jim, beer me that water"

"God beer me strength"
by Elias Creed April 27, 2007
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