9 definitions by Echo Pryce

goo·gle am·ne·sia, n.

An internet disorder phenomenon caused by the sheer simplicity and instant gratification of discovering an answer to virtually any question instantly, where the individual who performs the query quickly loses all memory of both the query and resulting information.

The reason this disorder is specifically linked to Google, and not other search engines, or simply, "Search Engine Disorder", is from the sheer simplicity and high success rate at immediately getting an answer through Google, the answer itself looses significance having been acquired so quickly. Also partially due to Google's near monopolistic share of search engine activity.
1. I'm not sure, but I'm getting a sense of deja-vu when I Google, "Reason for the sky being blue". I may be suffering from 'Google Amnesia'

2. You know, from the amount of time John spends on the internet, you'd figure he would have some knowledge about anything, yet he's a complete tit. Must be suffering from Google Amnesia
by Echo Pryce December 6, 2007
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chin·ta·cle, n.

Including, but not limited to unsightly facial hair growth in post-menopausal women. Named as such due to the hypnotically disturbing and tentacle/serpentine manner the whiskers protrude from the face.

May also be applied to young men who, while attempting to grow out their facial hair, allow isolated and unsightly whiskers to develop into disturbing albeit not as surprising tentacle/serpentine growths. Failure to attend to the rogue whiskers may result in becoming a permavirgin
1. Dude, your grandmother may be the nicest lady on this planet, but I get freaked out by those chintacles that she has going on out there. Can't she just pluck them out?

2. That crazy cat lady better watch out: Perseus may be after her - what with those chintacles, and all.

3. Dude, I respect the side burns and don't mind the 'stache you're growing there, but damn - kill the chintacles, please! They're making you a permavirgin, and threatening to strangle small animals.
by Echo Pryce November 24, 2009
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