1065 definitions by Eaton Holgoode

To have sex. Or going out in search of sex.
I’ll be holinRachel after work tonight so don’t call me.

Hey braaaaahhhh. Let’s go holin’ tonight.
by Eaton Holgoode June 16, 2018
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A male, with an aging prostate that still enjoys a good orgasm, but is unable to ejaculate with any distance and often only released in a dribbling manner or a short shot in the abdominal area.
Hank loved watching young males masturbate. He longed for being able to drop his oyster the distance they can. With age, his prostate had made his a short shooter and he is happy to just dribble when he cums.
by Eaton Holgoode May 1, 2015
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When you are hittin it good from behind and pull out occasionally to rub the penile tip around her poop chute in hopes of getting her to give the green light go for a little anal action.
I was nudging fudge last right with Rachel but all I got was an Uhhh Uhhh every time.
by Eaton Holgoode January 16, 2019
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When her mouth and jaw are sore from sucking too much Dick.
Rachel loves a good gang bang and pulling a train. But she really hates the dong jaw the next day.

If you mom is chewing a little delicate today, it’s cause I gave her dong jaw last night.
by Eaton Holgoode January 22, 2018
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To admire and envy the defecation of another person.
Eric and Steve went to the bathroom. Eric took a massive dump. Before flushing, Eric asked Steve take a look at his turd. Steve yelled, "I am overwhelmed with Turdmiration. Leave it in there Braaaaa for others to enjoy!"
by Eaton Holgoode June 24, 2009
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A blowjob given by a toothless hooker whereby he or she places an Efferdent tablet, an Alka Seltzer or some other effervescent product in their mouth creating a bubbly, fizzy and smooth feeling experience.
Dan picked up a toothless crack whore on the way home from the office for a quick blowjob. Expecting the same old he was pleasantly surprised when she popped an Alka Seltzer in her mouth and gave him a Fizzy Gummy. He threw in an extra dollar tip for a job well done.
by Eaton Holgoode February 20, 2015
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The amazing, light speed action in which a male is able to get his cock out, engorged and ready for intercourse at just the mere mention of sex.
Susie said she was feeling a little horny and that's all it took for Roger's rapid deployment. He had her pinned on the bed making rabbit ears in less than 20 seconds.
by Eaton Holgoode February 15, 2017
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