56 definitions by E hates Q

Noun; A person into any form of heavy metal music.

Here are some types of metalheads:

Bob The Metalhead: Listens to mainstream metalcore and maybe some deathcore. Fans of more obscure genres act like he just ate their entire family.

Zack the Metalhead: Listens to black or death metal and think’s he’s the most cool and edgy person to ever exist. Yeah, those Mayhem PJs sure are threatening…

Gary the Metalhead: Listens to stuff like grunge and nu metal that went out of fashion decades ago. Doesn’t give two shits about what Zack thinks of him.

Peter the Metalhead: “I only listen to (insert obscure sub genre of an already obscure metal genre here), everything else is for posers!”

Margaret the Metalhead: Listens to metal from the 70s and early 80s religiously and thinks Black Sabbath is the best thing since sliced bread.

Carl the Metalhead: Listens to what he likes and isn’t an elitist asshair to others.
Metalhead conversation:

Zack: Name a metal band.
Gary: Limp Bizkit.
(Zack explodes in rage)
by E hates Q January 10, 2022
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Fart: A regular, ordinary air biscuit. Isn't too loud, and doesn't stink that much.
The Ninja: A classic example of the phrase silent but deadly. Is almost entirely inaudible but has an ungodly stink.
TNT: A loud but not too stinky fart.
Nuclear Bomb: A jack-of-all-trades fart, stinks really bad and is also VERY loud. The worst ones to accidentally let loose.
The "Taking A Dump" Fart: Self-explanatory.
The "Taking A Dump" Nuclear Bomb: A rare kind of toilet fart. Acts likes a Nuclear Bomb. The leading cause of public bathroom embarrassment.
The Shart: An average shart (a fart which contains crap).
The Volcano: A powerful kind of shart. Can also be mistaken for a TNT, but the shit may be so violently released that it can escape your underpants, causing extra embarrassment.
Krakatoa: A loud and very powerful shart. If you get this, go see a doctor because you probably have diarrhea.
The Trampoline: Very loud, but with zero stench. The force , however, is strong enough to launch yourself forward a bit. Usually caused by comfort foods that produce a lot of dense gases.
Shit-Flavoured-Air: The most ungodly stench known to man. A chemical weapon more toxic than Sarin. The clearer of rooms everywhere. The origin of humanity's concept of demons. A fart that is silent, but is so stinky that being in the presence of it for too long can make you lose your lunch. Essentially the opposite of The Trampoline.
Guy 1: Uck, the Shit-Flavoured-Air strikes again! Which fucker let out that fart?
Guy 3: Something tells me adding ghost peppers to those beans wasn't the best idea...
by E hates Q April 9, 2019
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A branch of sociology offered by many universities as a separate degree.

More socially conservative individuals tend to decry Gender Studies as a useless compared to something like a STEM degree, even though most degrees that can be obtained in a university don't directly lead to anything on their own - there probably isn't a single job that asks specifically for an Art History degree in the application, for instance, but you still see many graduates of that subject comfortably entering the workforce.

Like most liberal arts, the subject is mainly written, so many who take this subject actually end up going to law school.

If an employer that said "any degree applicable" on the application rejects you on the grounds of your degree being in Gender Studies, you probably wouldn't end up liking working for them anyways.

Also, men are welcome. It's not a bunch of feminist straw-women in a lecture hall all the time.
Alice: I'm taking Gender Studies as I find the subject interesting, and I want to attend law school at postgraduate level.
Bob: Useless, it doesn't land you a job 0.1 seconds after completing it!
Alice: It's been 2 years since you got that Literature degree and you're still in Gramps' basement.
by E hates Q July 26, 2022
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A truly versatile emoji.

1. Presumably the intended use - to depict a pregnant pre-op trans man.

2. Food baby - when you’ve eaten so much you’d swear you have a living being growing inside of you
3. A non sequitur. Particularly effective at annoying transphobes.
1. Did you hear? Mike got pregnant! 🫃
2. Man, that takeout got me like 🫃
3. fuck you, 🫃
by E hates Q July 3, 2023
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Synonym for “I call bullshit”, used specifically against anecdotes you think are fabrications. Originated from a cliche when telling such stories on the internet, where the ending is usually along the lines of “Karen got arrested and everybody clapped”.
Bob: And then, the annoying customer was arrested and his kids were taught a lesson-
David: (Interrupting) And everybody clapped, right?
by E hates Q February 21, 2023
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Melissa: Cathy, what the fuck are you doing here?
Cathy: Uh, I was just uh...uh... rowing the boat, if you know what I mean...
Melissa: Gross!
by E hates Q February 14, 2021
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A WW2-themed grand strategy game by Paradox Interactive. It’ll eat your life away.
Bob: David has been in his room for 9 hours, the fuck has he been doing?
Fred: Playing Hearts Of Iron 4 non-stop.
Bob: Dear god.
by E hates Q May 3, 2023
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