2 definitions by E Tetu De Ala Za

Kaecilius was a mage that was foolish enough to cast dark magic from forbidden books. He neglected that "the warnings come after the spells", and died screaming a quadrazillion times over in an infinite abyss. His last utterance was, 93/93!
Kaecilius? That Moron? All those thelemites have brain damage, bro.
by E Tetu De Ala Za May 27, 2022
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This is a code number used by pedophiles to let others know they have a fetish for licking assholes. If you see two pairs of 93s, e.g., 93/93, it means they like to lick asshole and also like to engage in scat play - specifically eating feces.
93. I learned the secret to life was being a disgusting abomination when I read a mystical text and treated it literally like an idiot. 93/93 toss my salad, I have no standards but only STDs.
by E Tetu De Ala Za May 27, 2022
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