1 definition by Dzidek Dzidecki

Poland really came through hard times. Since end of medieval times it was the most powerful country in Europe for several centuries ( from Baltic sea to Black sea ), than - as You can see from today UK and USA, when it's too good, people go nuts from richness so stupidity and laziness become common. Poles were so strong in those times that they managed to change Russian ruler for their own man somewhere about 1600's. Hitler or Napoleon weren't able to do it. John III Sobieski rescued Vienna, and Europe by the way, from Muslim invasion. Austrians thanked Poles 200 hundred years later and, together with Germany and Russia, did partitioning of Poland making it disappear from Europe's maps for 123 years. But Poles didn't gave up, and after I war fought back their country. Than, after about 10 years of freedom II World War began, and Germans attacked it, and after several months so did Russians. Two great powers of those times attacked weak and just recreated country from both sides. There was no hope for winning. Abandoned by it's cowardly and short-sighted allies - UK and France, Poland felt again. And once again, Poles help to fight against Nazis in nearly every European battle and all what they got was another betrayal when it was left by Churchil and Roosvelt for Stalin's Soviet Union. After the fall of communism ( You already guess who started it ) Poland was poor and debted. Yet somehow after only 30 years after communism it still has best economy in Europe in times of global crisis which began in USA.

So if You are asking why Poles go and live in UK and all other western countries, the answer is very simple. Because they can have better and easier life among lazy and uneducated people. Life taught them not to demand to much to be happy, ( big houses, shiny bullshit cars - who needs that ) just basic stuff and family. The problem in Poland is, that still after all those years of communism there's a big mess there. Taxes (3rd in Europe) are very high to pay all those debts and keep the high rate of development, at expense of people. And who wants to live in such country. You have only one life.
If Poles from Poland weren't so brave and straightforward You would now be speaking Arabic and do everyday reading of Koran, my European friend.

Lets face it, this polish bloke from Poland, who has a master degree, works 4 times faster and better than me, and is still happy getting minimum wage. What's wrong with me ?
by Dzidek Dzidecki July 19, 2009
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