105 definitions by Dunky Oggins

The vagina
Kevin was very happy: he was just about to stick his bacon bazooka into Britney's rattle bollocks, but then he woke up and was disappointed to find it was just Peggy in bed with him.
by Dunky Oggins December 5, 2003
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To be pregnant.
It was very embarrssing for Kevin when he got Peggy up the duff, but it served him right for trying to save money by using a flak jacket.
by Dunky Oggins December 7, 2003
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Drilling a hole between cubicles in a public lavatory in order to spy on one's neighbour.
Kevin was too frightened to go for an Irish shave at the snooker club after he heard Keith had recently been questioned by the police on suspicion of black-'n'-deckering.
by Dunky Oggins December 23, 2003
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a general term of abuse directed at someone.
You spunk bubble DeFoe, you should have passed the ball not taken a shot!
by Dunky Oggins October 29, 2003
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An exceptionally small penis.
I used to think Jammy was right macho until i heard he had a weenus.
by Dunky Oggins November 24, 2003
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an involuntary erection.
It is quite embarassing to get horn colic on a train during the rush hour.
by Dunky Oggins November 3, 2003
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i better go take an Irish shave, that curry i had last night seems to have worked its way through.
by Dunky Oggins November 14, 2003
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