10 definitions by Droitduseigneiur

An administrator who cares more about saving money to increase his bonus than about Veteran’s care. Dr. Brilliant told the warm-hearted physician that the proposed care of a Veteran was unnecessary, when what Dr.Brilliant meant is that it would cut into his bonus. Dr. Brilliant, trained only as an intern, accused the specialist of witchcraft in suspecting a tumor when the specialist requesting a PET scan for a veteran.
Why are you “Dr. Brillianting” my health care? Don’t “Dr. Brilliant” my second opinion. “Dr. Brilliant” denied my health care request. I want a “Dr. Brilliant” year end bonus so I will deny service.
by Droitduseigneiur August 5, 2018
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The situation is so overly positive, that it makes you want to throw up, just like when you ate too much of your Halloween Candy; or, the time you had a heart attack from smoking too much crystal meth in sun valley NV usa; or, the time the mom thought her newborn innocent baby was just oh so cute, so she drowned it in a tub of butter.
1. Bro your grandma was so sicky sweet after she ate my asshole, and then I looked into her eyes.
2. Marsha Brady on the Brady Bunch is so sicky sweet that I just want to kill Marsha Brady before she does another kind act.
by Droitduseigneiur May 7, 2017
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Just end this argument now!
I can woop your ass anytime; no way, remember last time when ... "oh, just throw it on ice"
by Droitduseigneiur October 25, 2017
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