23 definitions by Dr. Uncle Fucker Crapper John M.D.

America's premier ass kicking artist since the early 1960's.
Even at age 63 Chuck Norris can kick any guys ass in the US of A and most of the world and beyond!
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The master of all fairies or gays in ones own domain or sphere of influence.
Dwyane was the fairy master of all his gay friends.
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A small cloth sock worn by male actors in movie love scenes that show a lot of skin.
Robert Downey Jr. was forced to wear a cock sock for the love scene because the actress didn't want his druggy penis near her vagina.
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The worlds worst drink on Earth. Usually refers to Snapple,or some other crappy tasting juice drink that waters itself down and then charges more money.
This apple Snapple crapple tastes like apple water shit. I knew apple juice, I worked with apple juice, and you Snapple sir are no apple juice!
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A small group of wierd guys that actually want a kid as opposed to being to forced to have one by a bitch.
John just didn't want to fuck but actually wanted the time and money wasting responsibility of having a smelly kid to raise.
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The receiver of sex from the fucker who gives the sex.
Jack and Jill had sex. Jack was the fucker on top giving it hard to Jill who was on the bottom taking on the role of the fuckee.
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The act of agressive ejaculator.
That Superman gots exuzva! He just shot his load 100 feet through a brick wall!
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