16 definitions by Don Everest

Jumping, ass naked and covered in pudding, front first on to a car while two people as having intercourse in it.
Kyle was offered $100 to perform a full douglas while at the Four Seasons Theater.
by Don Everest April 6, 2005
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Waiting till your friend is so drunk that he passes out and then taking him to get a tattoo of Paulie Shores face on his gooch.
Frank passed out after only drinking Smirnoffs all night, so we gave that pussy a sneaky howard.
by Don Everest April 9, 2005
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A badass uncle Jesse who cares about the well being of his three nieces.
Wow Steph, he truly is a compassionate Jesse...look at how he helped me with my math homework.
by Don Everest April 3, 2005
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I gave that old dude a Ray Charles the other day while he was sitting in the park.
by Don Everest April 8, 2005
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Recieving an envelope in the mail that has no return address, and includes dog feces, male ejaculate, and a Sam Bowie rookie card.
I wonder if it was Heath that sent my that mysterious mitchell on my birthday.
by Don Everest April 5, 2005
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A cleveland steamer given by American Idols own Justin Guarini.
After losing to Kelly Clarkson, he thanked the judges by giving out a round of steamy guarini's.
by Don Everest April 4, 2005
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