14 definitions by Doctor Whom

From conservative + ebonics, this term is used on various Internet fora to describe a perceived conservative tendency to call things the exact opposite of what they are.
"I support the Republican Party because it stands for less government, a strong dollar, fiscal responsibility, and equal rights, not special rights." "Oh, you're speaking conservonics, right?"
by Doctor Whom May 31, 2005
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A rhetorical question, asked in an ironic sense, derived from a supposed conservative tendency to view disagreement as unpatriotic. It is chiefly used in two situations: when a non-conservative points out something damning to the orthodoxy, and when a conservative says soemthing that reveals hypocrisy.
"So, then, gay marriage will destroy society, but Abu Ghraib was perfectly okay?" "Why do you hate America so much?"

"I'm all for free enterprise, but when companies start offering domestic-partner benefits, free enterprise has gone too far." "Why do you hate America so much?"
by Doctor Whom May 22, 2005
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A mythical device often mentioned on Internet discussion fora, the irony meter is a device for measuring unintentional irony. It is best known for breaking or exploding when the irony becomes too strong.
That politician's speech last night caused sparks to shoot out of my irony meter.
by Doctor Whom October 31, 2005
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"Look at this scary fundamentalist Web site. I can't believe that anyone would say such things and mean them." "They don't. It's obviously a pisstake."
by Doctor Whom November 15, 2005
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someone who has only recently moved to an area and yet already considers her/himself (usually wrongly) to have a long-term resident's familiarity with that area
"I'm in town for a summer internship, so I know for a fact that there's no night life along U Street." "Instant native, just add short-term lease."
by Doctor Whom June 7, 2006
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The Evil Atheist Conspiracy, or EAC, is a satire of the views that many believers hold regarding atheists. According to the story, the EAC plans to conquer the world, persecute Christians, and abolish everything good. Comments on the EAC frequently involve black helicopters, mind-control rays, and members' duty to deny the existence of the EAC.
"The newspaper printed my letter to the editor on the Establishment Clause." "Excellent work. Your commendation will soon arrive from Evil Atheist Conspiracy HQ by black helicopter -- or at least it would if the EAC existed."
by Doctor Whom November 3, 2005
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A retort that means, "What you've just said is plainly not true, although I certainly wish it were."
"I'm never going to call or e-mail you again." "If only!"

"Aren't you worried about the Republicans? Once they get into office, they'll reduce the size of government." "If only!"
by Doctor Whom July 15, 2005
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