36 definitions by Doc_B

Someone who isn’t particularly-socially-inclined (at all) and only talks when they have to. Restrained, reticent.
Person A: ‘I tried milking a few personal musings out of him as he was filling out his insurance form but I might as well have been talking to a log of ice. Is he just naturally quite introverted or is there something up with him?’

Person B: ‘no, he’s actually quite outgoing but he has a tendency to be quite taciturn around people who’s not that familiar with. He doesn’t do small-talk or say any more than he absolutely has to around people he doesn’t know that well but he’s not especially-introverted, nor does he dislike you, per se (I doubt it). He probably just doesn’t care to get to know you better.’
by Doc_B August 15, 2022
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A type of mental illness in which anxiety is the main feature. Examples include panic disorder, specific phobias, agorophobia, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and social anxiety disorder.
He has an anxiety disorder.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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A mild form of mental illness, in which subjective experiences of emotional distress are common but contact with reality has not been lost. Examples include anxiety disorders, depression and eating disorders. It is also called psychoneurosis.
Neurosis can in many ways be distinguished from the more severe psychotic mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and manic depression (bipolar).
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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A rarely diagnosed mental condition in which negative emotional experiences (from annoyance to extreme rage) are triggered by specific sounds, which can be either loud or soft. Nose sniffling, eating and breathing noises and tapping are all examples of trigger sounds for people suffering from this illness.
Misophonia, a sound sensitivity disorder, causes untold suffering and social withdrawal.
by Doc_B April 15, 2015
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A mental illness marked by extreme aversion to certain soft sounds, such as eating noises and nose sniffling. The condition is newly-defined and rarely diagnosed.
Misophonia causes pain and anguish for the ill person, as well as those around them.
by Doc_B May 1, 2015
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A mood or affective disorder is a major type of mental illness in which emotions are significantly disturbed. Examples include clinical depression and the more severe bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder is a severe mood disorder that in its most extreme form has much more in common with schizophrenia than depression.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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A severe mental disturbance in which the individual loses touch with reality, often experiencing delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (e.g., hearing voices that do not exist).
Mike's psychosis was triggered by smoking too much weed.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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