22 definitions by Diane aka the BITCH

Website ran by an individual or small group purely for its own amusement. The site may try to promote some cause or idea, though not necessarily.
Man my vanity site is the r0x0r!
by Diane aka the BITCH July 3, 2005
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SE U.S. state. The capital is Tallahassee. Cubans escape to there and old folks retire there.
Remember FloriDUHs voting fiasco? What a bunch of dumbasses.
by Diane aka the BITCH July 3, 2005
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You've got SPAM.
AOHELLS announcement that you have SPAM. An AOLese / AOHELLese
Fuckin a man. AOHELL has sent me SPAM once again!
by Diane aka the BITCH July 3, 2005
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Absent By Enforced Net Deprivation. Used to explain to fellow netizens (especially on USENET) that one will be losing (or has not had) Internet access for some time for reasons outside one's control.
Because the courts say my h4x0ring of NASA jacked them up ...I will be ABEND for a while.
by Diane aka the BITCH July 3, 2005
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Call me a kikess and I'm going to shove my foot so far up your ass you will have to open your mouth so I can paint my toe nails.
by Diane aka the BITCH July 3, 2005
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AOLese consists of slang that users of the AOL Internet service have developed that were once specific only to the AOL service itself. Many AOLese terms originated with the purpose of saving keystrokes in AOL chat rooms and Instant Messages, (for example, "IM" for "Instant Message", "YGM" for "You've Got Mail", "YGP" for "You've Got Pictures", etc.).
YGM and it's probably SPAM.
by Diane aka the BITCH July 3, 2005
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