10 definitions by Dazzla

Phrase used by the inarticulate and dimwitted as a comma and to buy time and cover their lack of knowledge of a subject on which they have decided to speak and the resulting insecurity this engenders.

It is particularly irritating in sportspeople, presenters and commentators as they are paid way in excess of the average salary of their audience precisley to tell them what it is they mean. The unspoken assumption is that the audience are already well aware of the 'gem of wisdom' or 'fact' (or see cliche) imparted by the 'expert' and that there really is no need to pay him or her £5000 an episode to provide such insightless insights.
Well, burumble balarumbler schumacher clam clam diddly pitstop gloomer. Knowarramean?
by Dazzla October 3, 2003
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"If racism or sexism in the workplace were as prevalent as homophobia, almost everyone in sales would be on a final warning"
by Dazzla September 30, 2003
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Word used to describe any group of people subscribing to a shared doctrine or system of beliefs, although accurately applied only in in situations where the beliefs or doctrines are used deliberately to control their adherents.

Also used inaccurately by angst-ridden (ie virgin) teenagers and Korn fans (not always the same thing, strangely) to describe those older, richer, better looking, better dressed, more sexually successful etc... than themselves.
"Hey dude. Look at all those smart, good looking, well-dressed sheeple out there getting laid, laughing and generally having the times of their lives. I'm sure glad I ain't like that. Baaaaaaaa Baaaaaaa"
by Dazzla October 1, 2003
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