69 definitions by Davedale

A feminist who is extreme in her views, especially PC neurosis and social justice warrior’ing , but on top of that she is a major cunt., like ,” no you can’t invite your best friend you have had since high school I don’t like him”
We got Super Bowel tickets , but Terry can’t come, his wifes being a feminazicunt and says that’s her cousin’s birthday so they have to go to Pomona to the party because she hadn’t ever met said cousin and that football is sexist .
by Davedale August 17, 2019
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Actively seeking the company of fat chicks, usually with the goal of an intimate , albeit short lived sexual encounter .
I went porkaloading last night , hooked up with a fat chick and ended up on her fire escape naked at 3 am when her husband got home, it was a scene.
by Davedale July 15, 2019
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Someone who gags on a penis with very wide girth .
They had to bring that chodachocker to the ER because she choked on her boyfriends schlong
by Davedale August 8, 2019
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Someone who enjoys having their intimate partner stimulate their anal-rectal verge by burying their nose into the area and then vibrate tones of stimuli into their lower GI tract. They frequently choose partners far below them of the social food chain solely for their sizable usually ethnic NOSE...
This MLB Star was dating that homeless gypsy chick w the big schnozola because he is a major league BEAK-FREAK
by Davedale August 14, 2019
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Someone who makes unwanted or inappropriate sexual advances to a dude
That cougar I work with hit on this guy from the custodial pool, she is a total sexual hisasser
by Davedale August 9, 2019
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An opening in the lower face of a haughty Social justice warrior that , when opened , emits bitching and whining about this or that being “inappropriate” or “ in poor taste” frequently a millennial snowflake but can also be on a plain old biotoch, often associated with low T ...
That apple store clerk was bitching about identifying someone referring to their race , they should shut their pie holes!
by Davedale July 20, 2019
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1. A chick who is whiny, insulting, confident beyond her looks and demanding above her station. She’s condescending, rude , loud and bossy, a sort of Uber cu&@t. Frequently married to a wimpy beta.
2. A chick w an unusually odiferous vagina
All they did was ask that skanky looking chick to keep it down down, and she started screaming and filming with her cellphone saying she was gonna sue, she was a real skunt
by Davedale July 17, 2019
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