28 definitions by Dan The Man

A group of four people, Dan, Bob, Pawel, and Mike who are wicked smart. Actually, Bob, Pawel, and Mike aren't that smart but Dan is. The rest are just nerds. Ya, GIVE DAN MONEY!
Person 1: Hey, look, its the ultranerd4!
Person 2: Ya, Bob, Pawel, and Mike are big nerds, so lets eat them alive!
Person 3: Ya, but lets Give Dan Money!
by Dan The Man December 12, 2004
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Company makes extremely fast assed cars but you can't buy then in the US because of crash standards
by Dan The Man July 15, 2003
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Someone who wants to be a serial killer, yet attacks people with plastic knives, this failing
Person 1: Wouldn't a serial killer still be a serial killer if he attacked people with plastic knives?
Person 2: No, he'd be a comedian!
by Dan The Man December 13, 2004
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v. To be utterly humiliated by a compatriot; to be betrayed.
Hey Meredith, don't you know what bladed is? It's when you get stabbed in the back, oh bladed!
-Dan the Man
by Dan The Man January 22, 2005
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A queef is a true delight - a wee zephyr being born from marylin, a ladies vulva.
'My friend Claire loves to queef, she can do it on demand, but only after appying a lube.
by Dan The Man October 7, 2002
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a car that you've spent more money on stickers and stripes than your parents paid for it
by Dan The Man August 5, 2003
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1. When someone Surgically switchs their gender through complicated operations.

2. A skateboard trick where the skater does a normal kickflip as well as a 180 degree body varial all in one motion.
1. My lesbo sister is considering getting a sex change.

2. I did a Sex-change off my bro's kicker ramp.
by Dan The Man February 24, 2005
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