1 definition by Damn! Ocles!

A website that’s accused of being liberal and anti-American because MAGA idiots refuse to believe the answers/challenges to their idiotic questions/ridiculous answers are backed by sources. Of course, those sources somehow all belong to “Soros-owned publications” unless the answers sound like the drivel blasting from the speakers at a Trump rally.
I went on Quora and said Antifa and BLM were responsible for January 6, and some libtards tried to prove it was Trump supporters by posting arrest records of patriots that were arrested just for touring the Capitol (we broke the window to get in because…um…uh…) and then them libtards tied that in with incriminating posts on social media that said, “Here we are by the gallows; bring us Pence so we can hang him for obeying the law” and then posted news articles from socialist newspapers, like the NY Times, Washington Post, The Economist, Boston Globe, and bunches of other non-Breitbart liars about us tourists getting convicted for NUTHIN’!
by Damn! Ocles! July 24, 2023
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