5 definitions by Da real kiwi

What you say when something is not going how you want it to /not cool.
by Da real kiwi December 9, 2016
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New Zealand slang used to thank someone, or congratulate someone informally.
"Bro I here's your $10 I owed you"
"Oh shot bro"
by Da real kiwi December 9, 2016
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New Zealand slang term meaning:

I agree / yes / that's right / true
PERSON 1: "Surely a swim?"
PERSON 2: "Nah bro, it's too cold"
PERSON 3: "Hard, it is"
by Da real kiwi December 9, 2016
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Kiwi sland term for:

A type of bomb into water
(a bomb is when you jump into water to make a big splash)
Oi i'm gonna pop a manu off the harbour bridge for John Key
by Da real kiwi December 9, 2016
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"Bro, your new shoes are mean"
by Da real kiwi December 9, 2016
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