61 definitions by D F Stuckey

Term for fellatio, usually used by females who are unwilling to perform the act due to demanding clumsy or unappreciative lovers.
"Oh hell, Simon's bound to want to play Face Invaders tonite if I go around to his place!"
by D F Stuckey February 19, 2004
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Slang term for a woman among a group of single women at an enetertainment venue, whose self-appointed task is to prevent single males or groups of males from approaching any of the members of "her" group.

While not always physically unattractive, the manager of a group will always have an unattractive attitude towards socail interaction with men, possibly due to a traumatic experience herself. Astoundingly, few if any are lesbians despite male belief; Many are in fact as despairingly lonely and in need of male companionship as any other single woman if not more so on average. They are in fact reacting in a manner as close to aggresive as their upbringing will allow.
" There was a bunch of real lookers in the club last night, but their manager kept getting in my way when I went over to ask them to dance "
by D F Stuckey March 17, 2004
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Form of greeting, performed by females usually both young and European. The greeter grasps the hem of their shirt in one hand then raises it to the shoulder, exposing the side of the chest are. Always performed without a bra.

There are oftne no sexual connotations involved or implied in this greeting.
"Passing under a motorway bridge, I recieved a Dutch Salute from several pedestrians "
by D F Stuckey February 19, 2004
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insult to someone behaving in a wimpy, timid or particualrly cowardly manner according to the speaker. Used in the distant tense.
"That player is always away from the ball in every play - He should get a pair."
by D F Stuckey March 4, 2004
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Slang for body compound, used in vehicle car repair.
"That car's only held together with slumgudgeon"
by D F Stuckey February 14, 2004
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Internet contraction for In My Experience; Used to explain a statement that is based upon the life of, or the experiences of the speaker. More forceful than YMMV.
NooB:"So are the rules broken in this example of play?"
CovertWalrus:"IME the rules work fine even if they slow down the game a bit. But YMMV, some people think so."
by D F Stuckey November 11, 2004
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English term for a Head butt, a form of physical attack where the victim is hit on the forehead by the attacker's head.
"After critiquing an opposition player's tackling style, Roger recieved a serious Liverpool Kiss"
by D F Stuckey March 15, 2004
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