61 definitions by D F Stuckey

To take an opportunity to do something when the time and conditions are near perfect or available.

From agriculture, when farmers gather the long grass growth of summer to dry it to produce hay as winter feed for animals; The best time to cut and dry the hay is during sunny days.
A:"There's a sale at K-mart this week - You wanna see if the have something for your sister's birthday?"
B:" Sure - Might as well make hay while the sun shines, and get her something at cut price!"
by D F Stuckey May 16, 2004
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Often confused with Chastity, celibacy is an abstinence from sex that is correctly performed on a permanenet basis. The Catholic Church defines the only foolproof method of Birth Control as being "Chastity outside of marriage and Celibacy within marriage."
A:"What's the difference between Celibacy and Chastity?"
B:"Chastity means no sex while you are single. Celibacy means no sex while you are breathing"
A:"Wow, that means the True LOve Waitskids are in for a nasty shock after they get married then die . . . "
by D F Stuckey February 19, 2004
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An edible protein that is not animal or vegetable based, developed in Europe. Quorn is a fungus and therefore not animal or vegetable, although bichemically similar to animals on the cellular level, so is a good source of nutrition. The organism from which Quorn is harvested is a batch-grown form of the tinnea fungus that causes athletes foot in humans.
" How do you like the stirfry? I used quorn instead of chicken for a change."
by D F Stuckey March 10, 2004
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United States Senator during the 1950's. Began a personal crusade against communist agents in the US government, leading to highly publicised television trials of political and entertainment figures, blacklisting of people in these fields for involvement with left-wing organisations, and a general paranoia about Soviet infiltration of US life called the Red Scare.

McCarthy started the entire debate by caliming at a public meeting that he had a list of 137 'card-carrying Communist Party members' working in the State Department, which he waved at the shocked crowd ( This later turned out to be his laundry list.); The number changed over the next few months, during which time he and his aide Richard Nixon stirred up massive controversy over the matter. Finally, when McCarthy claimed that the US army was 'soft on Communists in its ranks', his momentum decreased as several talented legal speakers tore through the basic premises of his arguments.

His nickname was "Tail-gunner Joe", not beacuse he served this position while in the USAF in World War Two - He was in fact a radio operator - But because he was a homosexual.
Mjr. Frank Burns:"Hey, who drew fangs on my picture of senator McCarthy?"
Cpt. B.F.'Hawkeye' Pierce:"What do you mean 'drew'? Aren't they his own?"
by D F Stuckey April 14, 2004
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Insult used to describe a male who is acting in a weak, vacillating or timid manner.

Meant to imply that in order to gain courage the person named needs to develop a "set" of testicles. See get a pair.
David"I'd like to ask Jane out, but . . "
Chris"Oh, grow a set and ask her, will you?"
by D F Stuckey March 2, 2004
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A term derived from the garment industry, meaning of high quality and/or genuine. Since material that was made of one consistent fibre, such as wool, was often thought of as being best for clothing, and since fabric that was made in yard widths was best for hand tailors to work on, this was considered the criteria for excellence.
A:" Have you seen the new girl in the accounts department?"
B:"Oh, yeah - All wool and a yard wide, with those legs!"
by D F Stuckey April 7, 2004
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A loud but musical breaking of wind, or fart.
"As a hush descended on the dinner room at Hogwarts, just as Dumbledor rose to speak a sudden sharp trouser trumpet honked into the air. Ron Weasley looked as red as a beetroot; In fact, it was Hermione who in typical muggle fashion had done it, but was willing to pass it on to Ron."
by D F Stuckey July 9, 2004
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