15 definitions by Crawdad Nelson

A crime the grand jury defines as a crime while you don't; skullduggery; dirty tricks.
Everything Roger Stone is accused of is a process crime.
by Crawdad Nelson February 1, 2019
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A handful of free-range nutjobs like Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh
Donald Trump bases his policies on the grand traditions of conservative intellectual opinion.
by Crawdad Nelson December 3, 2016
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An expression used to agree with a negative assessment of something, such as a bad pizza or sour beer; a verbal tic which people say when they want to agree but also to imply that their agreement is in some way mistaken or excessive.
"Yeah, no, I didn't think much of that fish soup...it was a little too fishy for my taste.
by Crawdad Nelson December 21, 2016
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Whatever the person speaking thinks, has heard, or has read online.
You'd be shocked if you knew the truth about 911.
by Crawdad Nelson December 13, 2016
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Your friend with a drinking problem who "forgets" that you have to get up the next morning when he brings over a case of beer and some JD.
Watch out for Joe--he's a real palcoholic when the Niners lose.
by Crawdad Nelson November 4, 2016
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