161 definitions by Craig

a song about the singer's boyfriend's apartment, performed by the band HIROSHIMA on their 1987 album titled GO
311, I want to be there, forget about my troubles with you...
by Craig December 20, 2003
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A band who had possibly one catchy song called 'Year 3000' or something. Their biggest fans are girls who don't really have a clue about good music they're just caught out by their supposed good looks. It has been rumoured they don't even play their own guitars. Busted also spawned another band called McFly which I swear to god do exactly the same songs as Busted which isn't surprising since Busted write their songs and are their best mates. Anyway Busted could be appealing to some, but not people who like proper guitar music.

See crap
Also see McFly

The new Busted album is out on sale featuring even more strangely contorted faces on the cover! Buy Soon! Only 2.99 'cause it's shit!
by Craig December 30, 2005
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This word describes something that is considered very good.
by Craig May 7, 2004
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When a rabbit drops a hot load in your mouth.
Dude, your rabbit just gave me a Cadbury Cream Pie
by Craig March 10, 2005
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A medical condition in which your ass looks like a bull's head. Not to be confused with taruodontism or ghetto booty. See also Nita, iwillmotherfuckingkillyou
'So she told me to check THIS. And so I looked, and sure enough, she had tauroassism. I didnt see that coming, but it explains all the snorting coming from her butt.'
by Craig May 29, 2003
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It's a word you give to a person if he/she wants to take revenge on things that are goverment-based and illy run. a male hopai's roar is defined by a loud M16 like sound, which is likely to frighten away cool-minded little roachers when they least expect it (or when they're acting "cool").

A Hopai's prey is little lump-legged rap-loving third formers. Hopai's natural enermy is a Mrs. Burrows. She shoots sharp lawsuit papers out of her anus to catch her prey. Unfortunaly when it comes to catching a Hopai there's hardly any success, as the Hopai is very fast.
There has only been one Hopai that has ever existed. He goes by the code-name "Lance" or "Hopai".
by Craig March 17, 2004
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An apartment where crack smokers gather to... Well, smoke crack.
Lets go down to the crack house!
by Craig May 7, 2004
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