12 definitions by Colony

A name for a machine when you don't know what it does.
Look at this funky doohickey I got!
by Colony October 15, 2003
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Unit of measure for how boring something is.
School has a high boringosity.
by Colony October 15, 2003
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Violence in the middle east is because of religious conflict.

Negative feelings towards homosexuals are based on religious beliefs.
by Colony September 21, 2003
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1. A Freudian concept that all men are subconsiously afraid that their wives want to slice off their genitals. The term is Latin for "toothed vagina".

2. Name of a women's movement in Denmark that calls for women to not be submissive or un-agressive when in danger or being persecuted.
John Bobbit should have read up on vagina dentata.
by Colony January 22, 2004
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The essence of emulating Bob.
I glow with a powerful Bobness.
by Colony October 15, 2003
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