101 definitions by Colin

Modern equivalent of the Holy Grail: they may never be found, but they sure provide impetus for Christian westerners to crusade into the Middle East and kill brown people.
by Colin January 18, 2004
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Alienated by the one you love and who you thought loved you.
See dumped
by Colin October 19, 2004
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Usually Christians - like to shove religion down other's throats - usually anti-choice. See Holier-Than-Thou.
Oh shit! Here come a bunch o' fundamentalists! Hide the contaceptives!
by Colin October 10, 2003
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A sled. Not a knit hat!
"Hey, get out your toboggan, not your hat, and let's go sled riding.
by Colin January 13, 2005
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The state of having no, or very little money.
I am broke, so I am not of the state of being able to play one or more of multiple pleasurable games at the local arcade.
by Colin January 1, 2004
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