14 definitions by Colette

the state of being so pissed AND so stoned that you belive you can fly. In the case of new year, jumping off a trampoline.
'dude............. im fucking wasted. i cant't see jack shit. woah, was that a cow?
by Colette March 19, 2004
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a wee green man (not to be confused with alien) that comes from ireland. They are often found pissed from drinking too much quality irish drink or smoking to much 'ganjabhang', and if they are found in this way it is likely the leprachaun gives away his gold treasure and good luck. Leprachauns are impossible to catch and even harder to see. If you do see one - you're pissed.
'jesus mary and holy saint joseph - did I just see a wee leprachaun??'
'No ferghal, that would be your cousin.'
by Colette February 21, 2004
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A hair item wich prevents frizzi-ness or fro. They are relyed on by many people, but none more than judith. She has one big fro. SAVE THE FRO
hey, do you reckon judith has starightners?
by Colette February 24, 2004
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One of the greatest bands in the world. With singles such as 'we cant be arsed', 'smooshieing', '10 minutes until the bell will ring', 'german', 'mr maclellan is a pedo', 'la da la dum dum ded dum', 'random word song' and MANY others.

The history of the band begins in a biology lesson with Mrs Paterson and two talented girls found that they were bored and invented a band. Those two girls became the founding members. The name 'bitumen' comes from the periodic table and Bitumen happened to be the one which sounded best. Since then, they have preformed at a wide variety of gigs including in the school canteen, school lockers,english and german classrooms and outside Marks and Sparks.

Bitumen always write their own songs and play their own instuments, although some would say that the kazoo is not a real instument. They are wrong. OH, and by the way, the tune to 'la da la dum dum ded dum' was not stolen off David Charnley.

'man... i cannot get that bitumen song out of my head!'
'well.. thats probably beacuse they're the best band ever.'
by Colette March 19, 2004
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For those of us who were not educated at kindergarten, a bam is an Scottish person between the ages of around 8 to 18 who speaks with an accent no-one but fellow bams can understand (often saying stuff like ken fit ye bam). Their clothing consists of brightly coloured fake tracksuits and puffa jackets – a warning for people to stay away, similar to the markings of a wasp. Most will sport a radiant tan – although the furthest they’ve been is to a young offenders’ institute.They’ve been Smoking anything from mud to oregano since they were 3 coz they think it’s hard. They to display this ‘hardness’ by constantly having a cigarette behind one ear, an earring in the other and using the middle finger approach at least 32 times a day. They like to wear a ton of gold jewelery; so high quality the gold rubs off. Hobbies of the bam include drinking, burning down buildings, starting fights and shouting abuse at people.
bam: 'listen ere u feckin posh cunt - im nae a bam n a nae'r will b. I didt want any one kenning - aye? fit ye saying? u dinna get me?? fuck aff.'
by Colette February 21, 2004
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A word used for 14 year-old druggies named emma .
"Yo u jellybean stop screwing t*m"
by Colette December 28, 2005
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REaly tight pants made out of spandex/rubber which the 'professional' swimmers wear. YOung boys especially. Some, like honeypot wear them so high that if he had any pubes they'd be coming out. Some, like someone who does not wish to be named wears them so low you're scared they'll fall off.
'jesus, check mikes speedos.. they look like they're about to fall of...OH JESUS!!WEENER!!'
by Colette April 11, 2004
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