10 definitions by Chris VG

Another version of "being cruel to be kind". To show somebody some tough love today will save them heartache in the future but may cause a small amount of upset for the reciever immediately after the "Tough Love" has been dispensed. They would suffer more if you let them get on with their life with no interference from third parties.
Leo-"I'm gonna ask that girl out on a date"
Chris-"You'd be wasting your time, you are ugly, overweight and suffer severely from B.O. and thats just your good points, take it from me, she will reject you, maybe not straight away, perhaps she will rinse your bank account first, but you have no future with that girl, I'm sorry mate the writing is on the wall"
Leo-"Harsh words, but priceless advice, I guess thats what they call tough love"
Chris-"It sure is, look it up on the Urban dictionary, on second thoughts, you better not"
by Chris VG May 9, 2007
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The shout given when, during a vigorous session of Love Making, the quilt is flung from the bed to the floor, one, or more of the partaking Love Makers are then compelled to shout "Man Over Board" and all sex is put on hold until the quilt is recovered and replaced over the combatants.
Karen-Man Over Board.
Chris-"I ain't moving until you get down there and get him back.
Karen-I'm on my way.
by Chris VG April 27, 2007
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A song so good that you are hooked on it the first time you hear it and have to download or buy it it as soon as possible. Once you have it you can happily listen to it on repeat all day long without ever tiring of it, and you feel sick when you haven't heard it for a while.
When it is not being played you just sing or hum it to recreate the feeling you get when you hear the original.
Chris-"Have you heard that Jay-Z song 'Big Pimpin'?"
Luke-"Sure, thats the Heroin Track of the moment, I can't get enough of it"
by Chris VG November 29, 2007
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The epitomy of Gayness, no insult referring to a persons sexuality is as offensive as being told you are "Gay as a window"
Chris-"Shall I wear the purple sweater with the diamond pattern on it tonight?"
Karen-"Sure, if you want to look as Gay as a window"
Chris-"Yes I do"
by Chris VG May 6, 2007
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An expression offered by a friend when he knows that he has spent the night with a girl of below average looks/intelligence or above average weight.
It is often due to the fact that they are in the middle of a dry spell and merely need something to tide them over until something more appetising comes along.
Chris-"Please tell me you didn't get your nuts in with that fatty from the club last night"
Bowler-"Well, yes I did, I'm going through bit of a dry spell at the moment you see, and after all, A man's gotta eat"
by Chris VG June 7, 2007
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The art of getting your photo taken with a non-willing participant, usually a member of the opposite sex or a celebrity that is far too busy to be posing with people like YOU.
Big Gay AL-"Hey look, there's David Beckham trying not to get noticed"
Chris-"Go and pester him for an autograph"
Big Gay Al-"He won't be up for that"
Chris-"Well go and stand next to him for a swift One Way Photo, you can be out of his way before he even knows you're there"
by Chris VG June 4, 2007
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A phrase lazy northerners use instead of completing a full sentence. What they actually mean to say is "Where are you off too?"
by Chris VG November 28, 2007
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