710 definitions by Chris

A force (usually manly) exerted on or generated by an object, causing it to be awesome.
Give that some hunion.

That corvette's got some hunion.
by Chris November 7, 2004
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Adj. & N. Extremely germaine, attractive
by Chris February 18, 2005
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The silent set of rules that all men are bound to.
Things said and done that stay within manhood.
Dude, why did you tell Trish I fucked her sister?! You totally breeched the Manstitution.
by Chris November 5, 2003
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A person who is utterly addicted to all forms of television. Most especially reality television shows, for example; Starting Over House, The Biggest Loser, Fear Factor et al. This disease however is not limited to only reality television shows, but also Law and Order and it's derevitives.
Gee that Katherine really is a TV Junkie. If this were cocaine she'd have track marks on her arms.
by Chris January 11, 2005
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fun·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fun-e)
adj. fun·ni·er, fun·ni·est

crotch ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kraw-ch)

A Funny Crotch is that of a man who has not been circumcised, also known as a FC or Anteater
1. I was totally going to sleep with him until I found out he has a Funny Crotch!

2. I bet (fill in name here) has a Funny Crotch!
by Chris March 15, 2005
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