710 definitions by Chris

A word describing a male with a large head who also has large eyes that extend from his face, looking like a cow.
The Needhams have moo-cow eyes.
by Chris January 21, 2005
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The first evacuation of the morning following a night of hard drinking. The smell usually can remove wall paper from the walls.
I dropped a big gronski this morning that killed the dog.
by Chris February 11, 2005
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The point one arrives at after overdosing on THC; where you literally cannot function to the point where you might as well take a shotgun blast to the face.
"Holy fuck, Chris is Cobained."
"Oh man, I'm Cobained."
"Hasak just hit the ground, I think he's Cobained."
by Chris March 5, 2004
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1.)The southernest of southern states. Where our nation's most clueless president was raised. They act like they are tough but the north kicked their sister-fucking asses in the civil war. They still claim that the confedaracy is still alive, and thier right. They are now members of the KKK and the GOP. Of course you can't be in one without the other. Also after they stole land from Mexico, they get mad at them for trying to make a decent living in the greatest country in the world by stopping imigration

2.)Formerly known as the Lone Star state because nobody wanted them to be part of thier country.

3.)Where Brian Zahn, the gayest white boy on the earth was born

4.)They do make some pretty hot chicks though
Texan: Don't mess with Texas.
Northerner: I belive we already have.
by Chris March 12, 2005
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a strange word meaning pancakes in the morman tongue.
mmm these sure are yummy pancakes
by Chris January 21, 2005
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pubic lice

also known as crabs, remble crabs with their pincers.

Curable thank god
"I'm itching like crazy down there I hope I didn't get panny crickets"
by Chris March 6, 2007
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An intensifier, with a grammatical function and usage similar to "very" or "really".

It's a contraction of "hell of", and may have originated in Alameda County, California. It was definitely in common use in Berkeley public schools as far back as 1979.
"That party was hella rad." (ca. 1981)
by Chris December 24, 2004
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