13 definitions by Child Hatter

"I really hate summer... my town is full of crotchfruits all the time, since they don't have to be in school then."
by Child Hatter May 5, 2003
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removal of fetal cells from a woman's uterus.
Until a fetus is old enough to survive outside the body of its mother, it is not really a separate life and is little more than a parasite. Abortion is construed by some as murder, but is really such a tough decision that it ought to be left to the mother, and to no one else. Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control in and of itself, but ought to be acceptable in instances of rape, failed contraceptives, fetal disease, or a life-threatening pregnancy.
And to all the pro-lifers: abortion only stops a beating heart if you wait long enough for the heart to develop. No one is forcing the pro-lifers to get abortions, yet they wish to force everyone not to...
Keep pregnancy curable!
by Child Hatter May 13, 2003
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1: slang term used by some childfree people for one who has a child and/or has many after that, refuses to discipline the child/ren, thinks the sun rises and sets for their child/ren, look down upon people who do not have children, and are in general very selfish and greedy when it comes to their whims and those of their child/ren, especially if they can use their parenthood status or their children as an excuse to get their way. A female breeder is commonly called a moo, and a male breeder a duh.
2: slang term used by people of homosexual persuasion to refer to heterosexual couples, who have a significantly higher risk of contributing to the population increase than the homosexuals do.
"Can you believe the nerve of those breeders? They come in to a nice restaurant and proceed to sit by and watch while their progeny shriek and run all over the place, and then let the children make a huge mess and do not even tip the waitstaff. Disgusting..."
by Child Hatter May 14, 2003
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taking a familyless child into one's home and family, to care for it as one's own.
A lot of anti-choicers think that people should opt for adoption rather than abortion, but how many of those up-for-adoption children have the pro-lifers adopted? The problem with adoption is that thanks to 'great' innovations such as IVF and other means of forcing the body to become pregnant when it clearly thinks that it is a bad idea (i.e., harmful recessive genes, repeated miscarriages, etc.), people no longer have to resort to adoption to get the child they so badly want since they'd rather have a child of their own. Out of those few who do adopt, they usually only adopt healthy newborn babies, while handicapped and older children must grow up without families. There are far more children who are up for adoption than who are being adopted... sad but true.
by Child Hatter May 28, 2003
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1: Someone who believes that abortion is wrong to the extent that they wish to ban abortions for everyone, thus forcing women who have been raped, had birth control fail, have a life-threatening pregnancy, or have a terminally defective fetus to carry their feti to term. Also known by the alternate term 'anti-choice' and the more innocent-sounding 'pro-life'.
2: Someone who believes that the rights of an undifferentiated blob of cells that is nowhere near recognizable as human (or anything else, for that matter) has rights that far surpass, in both importance and magnitude, those of the fully formed, living, breathing, thinking individual whom the cells have parasitized.
Note: some forced-birthers even go so far as to bomb abortion clinics in an attempt to kill abortion-performing doctors. Ironically, they do this because they feel that life is so damned sacred. (See also: hypocrite)
Forced-birthers would set a far better example if they stopped screeching at all the pro-choicers and adopted some of the unwanted children who wound up in orphanages because they changed the minds of the women who got pregnant with them.
by Child Hatter May 8, 2003
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an idea that involves the fair and equal treatment of people, regardless of their gender. A feminist believes that while women are physically different from and think differently about some things than men, this does not make either superior or inferior, it just means that they are different and should not be used as a basis for preferential treatment either way. Supporters of equal treatment for both genders are called feminists, whether or not they themselves are female.
Note: some feminists, often referred to as feminazis, have given feminism a bad name by claiming that men are evil and that oppression lurks everywhere. This is unfortunate, as real feminism is about gender equality.
Feminism means that women are not *better* than men, just different from them, and should not be treated any better or worse than men for it.
by Child Hatter May 27, 2003
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