7 definitions by Chief Lexicographer

Subject Name: Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda

Pen Names and Aliases: Dimasalang, Laong Laan, Pepe

Profile: Eminent Filipino nationalist, writer, and intellectual.

Date of Birth: June 19, 1861
Place of Birth: Calamba, Laguna, Philippines
Date of Death: December 30, 1896
Place of Death: Bagumbayan (present-day Rizal Park), Manila, Philippines

Notable Accomplishments:
Renowned for his literary works, including the novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," which inspired the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule.
Advocate for educational reforms and social justice in the Philippines.
Polyglot, skilled in multiple languages including Tagalog, Spanish, and others.
He was a member of La Liga Filipina, a civic organization aimed at advocating for political and social reforms.

Dr. Jose Rizal is celebrated as the national hero of the Philippines. His writings and martyrdom played a pivotal role in the country's struggle for independence.
His life and works continue to be studied and revered, and his writings are central to Philippine literature and history.
Jose Rizal employed various pseudonyms during his lifetime. He adopted the name Dimasalang while contributing as a correspondent for the Spanish newspaper La Solidaridad. In Spain, he penned "Amor Patrio," signifying love for his homeland, which was published in the Manila daily newspaper "Diarong Tagalog." To conceal his identity, he chose the alias Laong Laan for this literary work. Additionally, when he relocated to Madrid and joined Freemasonry, he used the pseudonym "May Pagasa."
by Chief Lexicographer October 4, 2023
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Mekus-Mekus is a term popularly used by Indian content creator Mr. Nobodydudy, also known as Navvhot Singh, which has gained popularity in the Philippines. Mekus Mekus is a phonetic representation of the phrase "Mix mix." This pronunciation arises from the accent of Mr. Nobodydudy, as heard in his reaction videos.
I mekus mekus mo na yan insan

"You mix that, bro."
by Chief Lexicographer October 18, 2023
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The compound term "Recruit Investment" combines the concepts of recruitment and investment. It denotes the process of enlisting individuals to participate in a venture or business, often with a financial commitment. This term is frequently associated with models like multi-level marketing ( MLM ), where individuals are recruited to invest in the business and may receive compensation based on the performance of their recruits within the network.
In the world of multi-level marketing, success depends on effective Recruit Investment—getting people to join and invest
by Chief Lexicographer November 2, 2023
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The term "Phillipionos" lacks grammatical accuracy and linguistic legitimacy. When referring to the people of the Philippines, the correct and grammatically precise term is "Filipinos." "Phillipionos" is neither acknowledged in reputable dictionaries nor holds any linguistic validity. instead, it is often perceived as an incorrect or misspelled variation that, in some cases, may even be intentionally employed to demean the Philippine people.

The correct term is "Filipino" because it reflects the historical and cultural evolution of the Philippines. "Filipino" carries with it a deep sense of history, heritage, and national pride, making it the appropriate and culturally significant term for referring to the people of the Philippines.
The leak not only revealed the personal information of millions of Phillipionos but also some of the country's closely guarded secrets, according to a news report on Sunday.
by Chief Lexicographer October 25, 2023
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"Generative Pre-trained Transformer"

GPT, which stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer," was developed by the company OpenAI. OpenAI is a research organization focused on artificial intelligence and machine learning. GPT-3, one of the most well-known versions of the GPT series, was developed by OpenAI and released in June 2020. It was created by a team of researchers and engineers at OpenAI, led by individuals such as Ilya Sutskever, Sam Altman, and Greg Brockman, among others. GPT-3 has since gained widespread recognition and has been used in various applications across the AI and natural language processing domains.
"Teachers are increasingly using GPT-powered educational tools to enhance students' writing skills and provide personalized feedback on their essays."
by Chief Lexicographer October 4, 2023
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"Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats."

The word "CRISPR" is an acronym that stands for "Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats." It was coined by Spanish microbiologist Francisco Mojica in the early 2000s. Mojica was studying the unique DNA sequences he had discovered in certain bacteria.

The name "CRISPR" is descriptive of the key features of these DNA sequences:

Clustered: The sequences are grouped together in clusters.
Regularly: They are found at regular intervals in the bacterial genome.
Interspaced: The repeating sequences are interspersed with unique DNA sequences.
Short: The repeating sequences are relatively short.
Palindromic Repeats: Some of these repeating sequences exhibit palindromic properties, meaning they read the same forwards and backward.

Mojica's discovery of these unique DNA sequences laid the foundation for the development of the CRISPR-Cas gene-editing technology, which has since become a revolutionary tool in genetics and biotechnology. While Mojica coined the term "CRISPR" and made significant early contributions to the field, it was subsequent researchers, including Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, who adapted and applied CRISPR technology for precise gene editing, earning them the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020.
"Scientists are using CRISPR technology to explore potential treatments for genetic diseases by precisely editing the DNA of affected individuals."
by Chief Lexicographer October 4, 2023
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"Kwek-kwek" is a popular street food in the Philippines. It consists of deep-fried quail eggs coated in an orange-colored batter made from flour, water, and various seasonings. The name "kwek-kwek" is derived from the sound it makes when the quail eggs are being deep-fried in hot oil.

To prepare kwek-kwek, the quail eggs are usually hard-boiled before being coated in the batter and then deep-fried until they turn crispy and golden brown. They are often served with a vinegar-based dipping sauce or a spicy vinegar mixture for added flavor.

Kwek-kwek is a popular and affordable snack or street food in the Philippines, commonly sold by street vendors. It's enjoyed for its crunchy texture and savory taste, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.
"I couldn't resist trying some kwek-kwek from the street vendor during my visit to the Philippines; those crispy deep-fried quail eggs were a delicious and unique snack."
by Chief Lexicographer October 4, 2023
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