45 definitions by Chad Chett

A group of individuals that are social rejects. They can typically be seen wearing all black or anime clothes. They smell like hot dog water and BO and probably never shower. They look down on anyone that’s popular, blonde, white, fratty, or even masculine. These are the same people who said KAM and ✨ I know it’s small ✨. They look down on country and rap music but probably listen to Billie Eyelash, BTS, and other Alt music.
Weird girl: You are such a misogynistic pig

Me: k suicide squad
by Chad Chett November 25, 2021
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What the poor people want to be. They often squander their wealth on material possessions and exotic cars. They take pride in wearing faux rich brands such as Gucci, Versace, Prada, ect. They will go on Instagram and show off their money and will gift everyone in their family expensive gifts. Their sons and daughters will all be wearing those inferior brands. They also have zero class and look down upon anyone beneath them. With all of this frivolous spending, new money folk often go broke in years because they don’t know how money works.
That rapper who’s new money spent all of his money on foreign and he’s now working a 9-5 at McDonald’s.
by Chad Chett January 14, 2022
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A name given to an extremely attractive male who either

A. Dates a woman far uglier than him for his own benefit (Constant Sex, money, status, ect.) Note other women might call a girls boyfriend a boy toy because they’re jealous and cannot see why the “boy toy” would date a woman as ugly as her.

B. Dates a woman older than him for the same reasons above

C. Is used as a ploy or arm candy for a woman who is trying to make her ex jealous, show off to the world or her friends, or to increase her ego.
Hey did you see Samantha’s new boyfriend?
Me: That’s actually her boy toy he’s way outta her league she’s just rich.
by Chad Chett December 1, 2021
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