16 definitions by Carson

1) very good. intact.*

2) extremely tasty food substance.*

*word often stretched to add effect of how good something is.
1) Girl 1-"Yo, did you see that outfit? That jawn was schmackin!"
Girl 2-"Schmaaaackin!"

2) "I had a milkshake at Hollywood diner... That shit was schmaaaaaaackin!"
by Carson January 22, 2004
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1. An exceptionally stupid feline given to fits of random gay sounding yelling.

2. Exclamation made when one has just witnessed more stupidity in five seconds than one would normally be expected to experience in an entire lifetime.
1. Reddinger indicated strenuously and cacophonously that he did not want pickles or onions on his sandwich.

2. "Wha...REDDINGER! What the hell are you doing?!"
by Carson December 31, 2005
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To have sex in a non sexual way
"oh baby i wanna secks you"
"give me 5 mins"
"kay secks me up"
then the couple starts doing it with their clothes on
by Carson December 14, 2004
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i have a gan g named hooch 4 life and we are all homosexuals and have bum sex every night
by Carson August 20, 2003
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A common form of urine expelled from the body after drinking vodka, yeigermeister or any such form of alcohol. It is a result of the organic matter in the alcohol breaking down, getting you drunk as a skunk and urine that is very pale green in color. Usually results in waking up and not remembering.
Person 1: I drank so much this evening I had green piss.
Person 2: What?!? You better see a doctor.
Person 1: I think its the organics in the vodka I had breaking down.
Person 2: Shit bro, you are fucked up... since when are you a chemist? I bet you think you are a God too!
Person 1: I can see better than Shallow Hal and the ladies had green piss too!
by Carson September 26, 2014
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a person who picks at his/her ass hair after they have wiped there ass and they know there are still little pieces of shit in the ass hair called grungle nut
you are such a fucking grungle nutter bod, u pick ur ass all day.
by Carson March 17, 2005
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someone who is always hanging out in the same place
Those assholes that are always down at the corner store
by Carson March 1, 2004
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