80 definitions by Carl

when your cock gets grounded up into mince
"i had intercourse with my lawn mower, best 2 minates of my life.. unfortunatly i now have minced jiblets."
by Carl November 23, 2004
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"stick your tongue into the tip of the meatus"
by Carl July 15, 2003
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a question asked by one person to another, in reference to a third party, inquring if they would like to have sex with the person in question
hey carl, check her out,, "fizz that"?
by Carl May 21, 2003
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A stout stub of cotton standing 2 feet tall and clad in a blue jacket with red lining. 1 of the 3 buttons is defective. It cannot move or talk without the aid of a nearby Human (Benito). It normally has a jerkish attitude and is lazy as hell. Currently Crowned Miss Teen USA and is awaiting the Billion dollars promised to him.
by Carl August 16, 2003
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1. One who wanks fish.

2. A stupid or foolish person.

Usually associated with blond hair and short, straight bangs.
That Adam kid is such a fish wanker!

Nice bangs, fish wanker!
by Carl April 8, 2005
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A stupid ass girl with bad teeth, a flat perm, and a crack habit..
by Carl August 27, 2003
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