9 definitions by Captain Caaaaaavvvveee maaaann

1. Melbourne/Australian slang for a GHB overdose. Can vary greatly in severity. Passing out uncontrollably and loss of motor skills are the most identifiable symptoms of a non-serious case. More serious cases involve vomitting and loud indecipherable yelping or yelling. Can result in death.
2. Someone that frequently overdoses on GHB.
1. Carl: Did you see that dude blowout outside.

Paul: Yeh. What an arsehole.
2. Frank: Have you spoken to Sam?

Sean: No, he's a filthy blowout.
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The state a person gets in after consuming the drug GHB. Rubbing of one's chest and making loud exhaling/inhaling noises is present.
Tim: Did you see Paul the other night?
Fred: Yeh I did. Fuck he was juicy.
Tim: I reckon.
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Slang term used for Ecstasy and other similar pills. Can also be called rounds or round ones
Chuck: Hey mate. You got the roundies?
Jonny: Fukn oath.
Chuck: Awesome.
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An extremely bonehead political move. Usually done right after winning an election. Named after Kevin Rudd, Australian Prime Minister that thought it would be a good idea to raise booze prices in a nation of boozing voters.
Politician: I've raised the tax of pre-mixed spirits by 200%!
Aussie Jack: Dude, you just pulled the biggest rudd I've ever seen.
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Similar to pussycunt it is mostly referred to males. A bitchcunt is someone that talks themselves up, but are usually the first to run from a fight, the jacks or any other threatening situation.
Dude 1: Where's Con?
Dude 2: He bailed as soon as the shit hit the fan.
Dude 1: What a bitchcunt...
by Captain Caaaaaavvvveee maaaann February 15, 2008
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Originating in Mentone, VIC. a Lowis is someone that repeatedly fails at simple tasks. Lowis' do not merely make mistakes however, they also fail to learn from them.
Boss: What is this on the floor Paul?
Paul: Grease, boss.
Boss: Grease is not used to clean the floor Paul. I told you this yesterday and last friday.
Paul: Woops... Sorry boss.
Boss: You're a fucken Lowis, Paul.
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Also see bitchcunt
A fearful individual. Completely useless in moments of confrontation.
Dude 1: Come on, we can take 'em!
Dude 2: Nah lets just get of here.
Dude 1: Don't be such a pussycunt.
by Captain Caaaaaavvvveee maaaann February 15, 2008
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