30 definitions by CaptD

A word or phrase that can be copy protected to show ownership of an idea, process or name.
The specific flowchart that was copywritable by the Health Company was a Leap forward in understanding test results; so others began using it immediately.
by CaptD May 25, 2021
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What phoboggers try and use to sidestep the reality of all the problems surrounding Nuclear Reactors; (like Safety, Fallout and the harmful effects of all kinds of radioactive particles) usually because of their connection to the Nuclear Industry!
The Pro Nuclear Cheerleaders used plenty of Nuclear Baloney to make their case against the benefits of Green Energy; but luckily the voters saw through it and decided to end the construction of the new reactor before it even started!
by CaptD July 4, 2011
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As Far As I know
AFAIK, you all have summed up everything we have either talked about or discovered together on the subject at hand.
by CaptD November 5, 2010
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As Far As I know
AFAIK, you all have summed up everything we have either talked about or discovered together on the subject at hand.
by CaptD November 5, 2010
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stands for Weapons of Mass Nuclear Baloney
The phoboggers were using WMNB to try and minimize the damage done to the nuclear industry.
by CaptD June 12, 2011
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Nuclear Ninja: Nuclear News Is Never Just Accepted

Too question everything that is NEWS about Nuclear!
The Nuclear Fascists say that nuclear reactors are safe but the Nuclear Ninja know better; on has only to look at the TRIPLE meltdown in Japan to that that is just Nuclear Baloney (NB)...
by CaptD January 1, 2012
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Treating something as a joke that ends up costing a large group a large sum of money.
Don't Bush-it those dike repairs; otherwise there will be hell to pay during the next flood!
by CaptD April 18, 2009
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