28 definitions by CC

ugly beyond belief. (Not to be confused with a real tree, like a beautiful maple tree.) Derivation of original saying "she looks like she's been hit with an ugly stick." To bring this stick analogy one step further, one would say, "she looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down." This latter colloquialism has been shortened to just "tree".
Did you see that guy at the bar? Just one word to describe him. Tree.
by CC August 25, 2004
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1. A term for someone whos dirty or has poor hygeine. similar to scrubby
2. An act that is considered foul
3. Someone who has low morals
1. "Have you seen him lately hes lookin totally muddy"
2. I cant believe she did that in a bathroom thats so muddy"
3. "How could he go out with her everyone knows shes muddy"
by CC March 26, 2005
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Area of Alexandria, Va. bordered by the Potomac on the east, Richmond highway to the west, and Ft. Belvoir to the south. Generally, any part of what was once George Washingtons plantation, Mount Vernon. Everyone has money and nice houses. If you go to a party in the vern you will get fucked up and have a good ass time!!
Person 1: Yo man what you doing this weekend??
Person 2: Dude im stayin with my boy in the vern, were gonna buy a shitload of beer, play pong all night, hitup some mcdonalds drive through, then go skinny dippin with some hot bitches in the river!!!
by CC May 26, 2006
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Area of Alexandria, Va. bordered by the Potomac on the east, Richmond highway to the west, and Ft. Belvoir to the south. Generally, any part of what was once George Washingtons plantation, Mount Vernon. Everyone has money and nice houses. If you go to a party in the vern you will get fucked up and have a good ass time!!
Person 1: Yo man what you doing this weekend??
Person 2: Dude im stayin with my boy in the vern, were gonna buy a shitload of beer, play pong all night, hitup some mcdonalds drive through, then go skinny dippin with some hot bitches in the river!!!
by CC May 26, 2006
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A sexy woman that is going to become a police officer.
Cop2BeInPhx is so fine!
by CC September 22, 2003
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combination of the persons known as 'Lon' and 'Messica' where as a common occurance the sounds of slurping are heard.
Quick, Lonica, get dressed, Dad is coming!
by CC February 24, 2005
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(verb) to lick or to otherwise saucily adulterate an object.
I thought he might McKizzle it right in front of me.
by CC November 18, 2003
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