12 definitions by Bylli

mad (colloquial, particularly in Essex)

because the station 2 stops from Dagenham is Barking.
by Bylli May 24, 2009
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The most popular bridge convention (i.e. the game of bridge) to find a major suit fit after an opening bid or an overcall in No Trumps, particularly 1NT.

The most popular variation is a 2C response to 1NT asking for a 4-card major. It is important for the responder to have an answer to any response he may receive.

There are variations like Puppet Stayman which enables players to open 2NT with a 5 card major and still find a 5-3 major suit fit.
Using Stayman often promises enough strength to invite to game. But even if that is your understanding with your partner, you can play "Garbage Stayman"
by Bylli May 24, 2009
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An extra question used for setting up an account somewhere in case you forget your password.

However rather than adding extra security like they think they do, they make your account easier to hack because whilst you may have a great unguessable password, these questions are often easy for someone to guess or even know the answer to.

A sensible person would not give an accurate answer to one of these questions and would in fact have an answer that is as hard to guess as a password.
As an extra security question, Brooklyn Beckham, what is your mother's maiden name?:

Wouldn't be Adams by any chance?
by Bylli May 20, 2009
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A chasm of men, apparently. Or a tale about Mark Foley and things he said, all of which were right (audience, please!), that all he wanted was a detonator and how Colin is a very pretty pussy cat.
Manchasm by Future of the Left, although the word doesn't appear anywhere in the lyrics.
by Bylli May 24, 2009
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A chart (i.e. a list), generally music-based, determined by ones personal taste.

Commonly personal singles charts are a list of what one person's current favourite music is, and is compiled by themselves. The chart will typically change every week, like national charts, the positions moving such that some older songs make way for newer songs. Typically a single may climb the chart to its peak position then move downward until it drops out but patterns may differ.
Oxymoron by 11:59 is currently number one on the NM personal chart.
by Bylli June 17, 2009
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