16 definitions by ByRd

To look at a person's facebook profile in detail to learn more about them and what they are doing. Reading their wall posts and looking at the recent activity.
Do you have to facebook stalk me while I'm right here? It's a little creepy
by ByRd December 11, 2007
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A gathering of females that involves drinking and a lack of dudes. The oppisite of a sausage fest
As Tom walked in, he realized that it was a donut fest of drunken sorority sluts and formulated a plan to pull off a reverse gang bang.
by ByRd August 31, 2007
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A long group of hair protraying a mullet that is protruding from ones ass
Chris is a poop stabber who likes it when his men have ass mullets
by ByRd June 17, 2004
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when something bad happened to another person, it sucks to be that person
You daddy is in jail for getting you pregnant. sucks to be you.
by ByRd June 14, 2004
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The way white white girls trying to be cool pronounce earings.
Upon opening her gift, Jackie exclaimed, "Juicy erns! I wanted these!"
by ByRd December 25, 2006
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Looking at someones facebook profile and reading their recent news and wall posts. Monitoring another person's facebook life
I am facebook stalking you right now
by ByRd December 11, 2007
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To extend your arm so that your hand is below the back of a person's head and thrust your hand upwards so that your palm hits them square in the back of the head.

This is typically done when someone does something stupid or just to humiliate/annoy them.
When Rose started to take diet pills, her mother gave her a smack upside the head to knock some sense into her.

As John sat in the passenger seat, the driver acted like her was streching, but really smacked John upside the head and hillarity ensued.
by ByRd May 8, 2007
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