12 definitions by Brownie

This first originated from the mouth of the legendary jaymee. Can also be pronounced DOOOOOODSH or DOOSH. Often used as part of a greeting or farewell:
by Brownie February 20, 2005
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One who drives riced out mommy van,puts exhaust and rims on it. Including neon lighting and subwoofers inside a mommy van. And has a handicap sign on the lisence plate. He also resembles Beetle juice from the Howard Stern show
"HEY look there goes Van Wangus!!!!!"
by Brownie April 20, 2004
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to take without permission or take drugs
i lashed that boys laptop

he lashes crack
by Brownie July 23, 2003
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Any Persian father who doesn't know that his two sons are smoking heft amounts of marajuana and cigarettes.
"You luuuuuh dem highs, but Dadu spoils all the fun."
by Brownie April 20, 2004
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one who is perverted and bearded, mostly from poor Scandinavian countries like Denmark
you dirty nuxx!
by Brownie August 25, 2003
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