38 definitions by Brittney Sade

a ridiculously long street, widely known for running through Citrus Heights, Greenback Lane also runs through Orangevale to Sacramento. If you take Greenback Lane from any city mentioned above, you can find the place your looking for 87% of the time.

Precisely placed on Greenback:
Dairy Queen
Donut King
San Juan High
and other places which might have no meaning to you.
B: I'm lost, I'm in the middle of nowhere.
V: Can you see a streetsign?
B: Yeah
V: What does it say?
B: Greenback Lane
V: Walk 2 paces to the left
(Brittney finds civilization once again)
by Brittney Sade October 13, 2008
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a word in describing the mournful attitude that goes with going back to school after Winter Break. Black is the color you are expected to wear the day you return to school.

Rarely,it is used with stoner meanings and agendas when used at random to try and find a place to smoke and the only other option is to find schools or cut through a school to get one.
B: Omg, dude, New Year's was so fun!
V: Yeah, now we gotta go black to school.
by Brittney Sade August 19, 2008
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in my opinion, the best school you could ever go to. Sure, it might suck your Freshman year because you planned on going somewhere else, but somewhere between the complaining and sleeping, you'll see that it's a school with laid-back teachers, funny ass rallies and a school mass in which 98% smokes weed.

The dances are pretty fun when they have them, the football team is superb, besides having a really bad coach and the pride you get in being a Spartan is everlasting. At San Juan, you'll make friends like no other, you'll see things you've never seen before and you'll get a locker! Most schools aren't even inside anymore and now they have lockers?!

If you think about leaving, it's just a waste of your time because 85.3% of people that leave, wind up coming back again.
B: So how's Bella Vista?
M: Ehh...I'm thinking about coming back to San Juan High.
B: Why'd you leave then?
M: I was stupid.

actual conversation
by Brittney Sade July 26, 2008
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a school at the heart of Citrus Heights, knowing for being ghetto when in actually it isn't really ghetto or really diverse. It's known for it's outlandish shit-talkers, arm candy cheerleaders and retarded teachers. The y try to call it a historic landmark because it was built in the land before time but it really isn't. The renovations attract the bitches that hated Spartans because the school was "ghetto". It's a wonderful school to spend your years at even through all the shit you'll be put through.
S: Yo, Michelle be talkin' mad shit.
R: Doesn't she go to San Juan High?
S: Maybe that's the reason.
R: She had a nice ass dress to their homecoming though, they throw some bomb ass dances.
by Brittney Sade July 16, 2008
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(adj)- a word and/or nickname to describe someone who will get you high, hooked on songs, in lots of trouble and cause your grades to plummet but continues to form a close bond with everyone. They walk around with Sony Ericcson phones and iPods.

They are obsessed with mental hospital trips and Kelly Moore paints. The only people in the world who can tell you to meet them at Best Buy at 12 noon and show up at 12 midnight but you'll be the one apologizing.

They love weed, swimming and getting other people hurt, they tend to come off as selfish but actually do have hearts of gold.
S: Let's go everyone, fucking let's swim.
B: He's not even out of the house yet!
S: Stitches, blood, for real, your the only one that wanted to go swimming so fucking swim!
by Brittney Sade July 17, 2008
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aptly named, Little Mexico is an apartment complex in Citrus Heights, known for it's large numbers of Mexicans. This is a place you can go to get shot at, arrested, high and play tennis all before 6:00pm.

It's such a bad area, not even stoners dare to go there.
B: I want weed and there's no where to go.
C: Little Mexico!
B: NO!
V: Why, you scared?
B: No, I just don't feel like getting raped, shot and thrown in jail in the same day.
by Brittney Sade October 13, 2008
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a biblical place in Israel where Jesus Christ himself was born. Home of Christian pilgrimage.
an awesome Scottish band starting in 1968, with hits like Love Hurts or Whiskey Drinking Woman.
B: Holy Jesus of Nazareth!
M: What?
B: Since when does Nazareth get radio play?
by Brittney Sade January 16, 2009
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